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Managing Explosive Behaviours in Young Children.
I often hear that young children - preschool to kindergarten age are incapable of learning calming techniques, self-regulation and...

Consequences VS Punishment - Why Kids Need Consequences.
I grew up in a dysfunctional, sad, troubled home. Punishment for any perceived transgression was a way of life and taught me very early...

The Funny side of Behaviour - Awesome Quotes from Awesome Kids!
From their lips to my ear - Grande one - "I can't do all that work, I'm only made of toothpaste you know." Grade six - "If I had a...

Why Kids in Crisis (Trauma) are not in a Place to Learn
Trauma kids live in the moment - we must be available to be there with them. As educators and support staff we often struggle with our...

The Symptom of Behaviour - Positive Reinforcement VS Bribery
Behaviour is never a child’s "fault" it is merely a “symptom” of life experience (trauma, poor role modelling) or the challenge of a...

Trauma Informed Care
As educators and support staff we must work from a trauma informed place. Our first question in behaviour challenges should always be,...

Behaviour Tales
Fun classroom stories that relate to behaviour management
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