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The Illusion of Fear Based Compliance - Why Kids are Not Listening.
I had children quite young as many with my background do. I had to work hard to circumvent my lack of skill in parenting. I spent hours...

The Courage in Kindness - Breaking Through Fear to End Rage. (Our Troubled Kids)
What is true courage? When I would show up to support a severe behavioural student, people often used to be sceptical that I would be...

What is humanity? A question to ponder as school violence, negative behaviour and mental health issu
A question to ponder as school Violence, negative behaviour and mental health issues increase.

Creating a Grateful Classroom.
Follow the steps in the image to begin creating a mindful, grateful classroom. This engagement offers students, even very young ones, the...

Consequences VS Punishment - Why Kids Need Consequences.
I grew up in a dysfunctional, sad, troubled home. Punishment for any perceived transgression was a way of life and taught me very early...
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