All visuals are copyright protected, created using Smarty Symbols or Microsoft Word. They are intended for informational purposes and are not for in-class use.
Augmentative communication systems are highly effective and important in ASD, any language delay (receptive/expressive) as well as in many behavioural issues. You must first decide which will work the best for your child/student. You can carry symbols that you regularly need, such as “stop”, “wait”, “hands to self” etc... on a ring attached to a lanyard around your neck. Do not carry to many or you will be rifling through them and it is not effective.
Glue all visuals to card stock and laminate.
Photographs of real people and objects (better for older students where possible)
Colour pictures (PECS) real representations or stick (tends to work well with younger students)
Black & white real representations or stick
IPAD visual system for ASD (words well if you have the technology)
A mix (is probably the most effective)
In ASD or any language delay, if there is very limited communication it works well to create a book or a folder that holds all your visuals. It can be as simple as using a legal or letter size folder and laminating it. Creating all the visuals your require for your day and cutting and laminating them then attaching to the folder by Velcro. On the front of the folder place a first/then with Velcro spots and on the back place an “I want” or “May I please” with Velcro. Use this with the child to display the tasks – You can also attach a step visual – 1. Cut 2. colour . 3. Glue
Visuals should have both the symbol and words. Always speak the word as you display the visual. You can create book using an exercise book or a plastic envelope book. Whatever is easiest for you to manage and the child to learn.
Examples of PECS visuals

All visuals are copyright protected, created using Smarty Symbols or Microsoft Word. They are intended for informational purposes and are not for in-class use.
Behvaiour charts

Feelings Charts:
The feelings chart can also be used by taking pictures of the child making various faces.

Social stories
Social stories are meant to be a description of what to do and not to do, what’s expected and not expected and how to do it in visual form, or of an up and coming event, such as a field tips etc. They need to reflect the child’s cognitive and communication ability – so they can be very simple - 1 -3 words a page or they can be more descriptive with 1 -3 sentences a page. The visuals should depict what works best for your child/student or class.
Examples - COMING SOON.
Visuals for Sale – All visuals will be custom made and delivered to you via email.
Visuals will need to be glued to card stock and a laminated. In the case of individual pecs, each will need to be cut out and glued before laminating.
All visuals are created using Smarty Symbols, the PECS Canada online store, Microsoft Word, or Keynote.
1 for $ 10 CDN
2 for $ 15 CDN
3 for $ 20 CDN
4-5 for $ 30 CDN
6-10 for $40 CDN
Social Stories (multi-page) – $30 CDN
Autism and/or communication package – $50 CDN
First Then examples:
Please provide information for your first/then options.
Behaviour Chart examples:
Please provide information indicating what your “earned choice” is and what behaviours you wish to target – no more than 6.
Strategies – social stories examples:
Please provide the steps you require in your “story” or strategy/regulation strip.
If you require a multi-page story, please provide details on what your target is.
Chaining examples:
Please provide the steps which you require in the chain. If you are unsure, describe exactly what you need the child to do.
I want examples:
Please provide the choices you wish the child to be able to make.
Feelings charts examples:
Please provide information about demographics desired in the images – skin colour, gender etc.
Schedule example:
Please provide the information required for the daily schedule.
The Autism package:
Please provide information about the student. Age, gender etc.
Also needed is: information on which chaining events are required. What you need for pecs – around the house, school objects etc...
The "I want" and "feelings chart" are included in this package as well as instructions for putting it together.
To protect the privacy of others, please do not use school names or the last names of any children or adults you discuss.